A dialog

A d(IAL)og on faith between the Lion (A) and the Lamb (λ):
LION (A): Welcome back, I’m dying to hear about your progress.

LAMB (λ): Yeah, cool. After my awakening I have felt more fulfilled and connected. My rituals and traditions make me feel closer to my past and society. Though I’m recently having trouble with some of my interpretations.

A: Interpretation is difficult. I’ve been studying it all my life and have only gone in circles, just a few book deals, and some viral interviews.

λ: More and more I realise that if I want to be true to myself, I need to follow my interpretations more strictly.

A: Keep in mind that your religion is merely an identity that you give yourself. It is also a social construct.

λ: If I’m really going to be serious about it, I need to stop lyin’ to myself. I have to do what the book says and kill this person who drew a picture.

A: What? I had such high hopes for you. You were becoming more and more religious but you throw it all away by acting on your beliefs, like some militant atheist! Sure, have principles, but don’t act on them — that’s what the atheists in the Charlie Hebdo office did.

λ: Those infidel cartoonists?

A: No! The murderers! They acted on their belief to do with religion.